Friday, November 5, 2010

Blame Canada, Part III

KATE: I think you need to listen to some Dethklok tonight.
KATE: After all, there is a murder train a'comin'.
KATE: To Canada.
SARAH: The murder train is a’comin on the end of my fist.
SARAH: That’s right. I have murdertrains at the ends of my arms.
KATE: That's impressive but sounds a bit cumbersome.
KATE: Are they retractable?
SARAH: Only when I’m pleased.
SARAH: Which means it’s all murder trains, all the time.

1 comment:

  1. I. don't. want. to. have. to. kill. you...
    I had one Canadian customer that was shocked when I knew where Windsor was. "You mean they actually *do* teach Geography in American schools?" Jerk...
